The Validator Slashboard is a dedicated tool designed to showcase the historical data of validator slashing incidents. It systematically associates each slash event with its corresponding validator and presents this information on the dashboard. This resource has been built for both the community and the foundation to track validator performance and gain insights into slashing incidents occurring on the blockchain.

Data is being collected and updated every 5 minutes. Slashed coin value in USD is calculated based on current token price.

Slashing parameters

Slashing window 12960 / 25920 (50.0%)
Jail duration 10 minutes
Slash for downtime/double-sign 1.0% / 5.0%

Validator slashes

Data last scanned 2025-02-14 21:55:50 UTC, ranging from block 1 to 17,475,899

  Events Coins slashed
⚠️ missing_signature 195 5,379,464.94 ($163,877.98)
🛑 double_sign 3 4,290,532.73 ($130,705.16)
Total 198 9,669,997.67 ($294,583.13)

Full dataset

  Block height Moniker Power Coins slashed Validator address
⚠️ 17,404,393 (2025-02-10) ShareTheStakingPower 990,080,190 9,900.8 ($301.61) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1d74yh…quc50
⚠️ 17,347,062 (2025-02-06) Empower Validator ♻️ | 20% to plastic waste cleanups 160,686,930 1,606.87 ($48.95) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1evy53…jp4m8
⚠️ 17,346,721 (2025-02-06) ShareTheStakingPower 1,000,081,001 10,000.81 ($304.66) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1d74yh…quc50
⚠️ 17,056,317 (2025-01-18) Gayadeed 5,015,700,465 50,157.0 ($1,527.96) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1akqyy…pjfdf
⚠️ 17,030,461 (2025-01-16) nether//node 🪐 2,000,747,701 20,007.48 ($609.5) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1hgte2…l2h9s
⚠️ 17,017,446 (2025-01-15) 23,643,288,585 236,432.89 ($7,202.6) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1scj05…mvxhq
⚠️ 16,748,648 (2024-12-28) DanubeTech-NewValidator 1,000 0.01 ($0.0) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1kjnwy…npycf
⚠️ 16,515,342 (2024-12-13) snapworks 100,000 1.0 ($0.03) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1hefmg…exj4g
⚠️ 16,515,338 (2024-12-13) stakr 478,106 4.78 ($0.15) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1949zc…23y3k
⚠️ 16,515,246 (2024-12-13) Validavia 2,371,664,847 23,716.65 ($722.5) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1cj500…jfkwl
⚠️ 16,513,412 (2024-12-13) Blocktopus 738,526,210 7,385.26 ($224.98) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1pfmm2…kmr4k
⚠️ 16,307,947 (2024-11-29) DanubeTech 13,050,609,568 130,506.1 ($3,975.69) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper146rme…6zl64
⚠️ 16,106,411 (2024-11-16) 5,044,077,287 50,440.77 ($1,536.61) 5 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13a4s9…sdlwu
⚠️ 15,991,699 (2024-11-08) RoundTable21 8,149,359,898 81,493.6 ($2,482.59) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1yqsvt…96awf
⚠️ 15,886,631 (2024-11-01) onboarding 1,000 0.01 ($0.0) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1ugy9w…yg475
⚠️ 15,436,680 (2024-10-01) HEXXAGON 3,470,250,000 34,702.5 ($1,057.16) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1hgh0p…57d7h
⚠️ 15,341,046 (2024-09-25) #coaction 742,550,030 7,425.5 ($226.21) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1f8dga…jek5l
⚠️ 15,329,712 (2024-09-24) DIDx 3,884,202,028 38,842.02 ($1,183.27) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1qe038…5ttef
⚠️ 15,099,266 (2024-09-09) cheqdd1 2,212,000 22.12 ($0.67) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1frtnn…pw40k
⚠️ 14,261,511 (2024-07-16) Gayadeed 4,592,137,508 45,921.38 ($1,398.93) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1akqyy…pjfdf
⚠️ 14,209,893 (2024-07-12) SmartNodes 150,485,595 1,504.86 ($45.84) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1rr4hh…fa3q2
⚠️ 13,614,427 (2024-06-02) 7,309,297,225 73,092.97 ($2,226.68) 4 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13a4s9…sdlwu
⚠️ 13,229,834 (2024-05-08) NODE SHUTTING DOWN - REDELEGATE before 28 March 2024 2,742,830,170 27,428.3 ($835.57) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1f53as…kyfsw
⚠️ 13,037,525 (2024-04-25) Earn Network 8,203,591,599 82,035.92 ($2,499.11) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1j7lpk…q9mvm
⚠️ 13,037,349 (2024-04-25) Chainstep 2,793,056,553 27,930.57 ($850.87) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1tyxt0…45cdm
⚠️ 12,979,657 (2024-04-21) esatus 12,846,628,523 128,466.29 ($3,913.55) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper14dtnz…4dsms
⚠️ 12,400,551 (2024-03-13) #coaction 2,950,187,910 29,501.88 ($898.73) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1f8dga…jek5l
⚠️ 12,234,900 (2024-03-01) REDELEGATE IMMEDIATELY - shutting down 29FEB2024 4,840,476,890 48,404.77 ($1,474.58) 5 of 5 for cheqdvaloper12c4c7…52jlm
⚠️ 12,178,844 (2024-02-27) RoundTable21 8,194,659,899 81,946.6 ($2,496.39) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1yqsvt…96awf
⚠️ 11,942,036 (2024-02-10) NODE SHUTTING DOWN - REDELEGATE before 28 March 2024 26,123,286,469 261,232.86 ($7,958.1) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1f53as…kyfsw
⚠️ 11,787,519 (2024-01-31) Seerbytes REDELEGATE Shutting Down 211,825,272 2,118.25 ($64.53) 6 of 6 for cheqdvaloper1hzxd5…xtgsz
⚠️ 11,666,269 (2024-01-22) Notional 36,396,212 363.96 ($11.09) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1gyjql…8848x
⚠️ 11,385,792 (2024-01-03) Wen Project Boots 👀 12,783,221,790 127,832.22 ($3,894.23) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1zfxmn…k2eec
⚠️ 11,370,901 (2024-01-02) 10,374,678,954 103,746.79 ($3,160.5) 3 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13a4s9…sdlwu
⚠️ 11,279,188 (2023-12-27) Empower Validator ♻️ | 20% to plastic waste cleanups 10,530,407,289 105,304.07 ($3,207.94) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1evy53…jp4m8
⚠️ 10,815,690 (2023-11-25) DIDx 2,463,397,637 24,633.98 ($750.44) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1qe038…5ttef
⚠️ 10,357,837 (2023-10-25) 8,384,240,619 83,842.41 ($2,554.14) 2 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13a4s9…sdlwu
⚠️ 10,243,165 (2023-10-17) 🅒🅐🅡🅑🅞🅝ⓩⓔⓡⓞ🌲 4,001,475,018 40,014.75 ($1,218.99) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1hgte2…l2h9s
⚠️ 8,861,214 (2023-07-15) AyanWorks_Mainnet 2,793,201,912 27,932.02 ($850.91) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1zmjmv…8zy3k
⚠️ 8,819,570 (2023-07-12) SmartNodes 182,084,930 1,820.85 ($55.47) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1rr4hh…fa3q2
🛑 8,192,806 (2023-05-30) | Auto-compound 14,746,233,343 737,311.67 ($22,461.18) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1ny8gd…hcvfj
⚠️ 8,005,595 (2023-05-17) Martian Forest 128,114,737 1,281.15 ($39.03) 10 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 7,950,401 (2023-05-14) DIDLab 45,347,259,111 453,472.59 ($13,814.42) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper13ul7s…9f4jt
⚠️ 7,865,486 (2023-05-08) Avarta 396,111,659 3,961.12 ($120.67) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1cl0qj…pqmlh
⚠️ 7,659,963 (2023-04-24) Enigma 1,500,038,540 15,000.39 ($456.97) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1tn4eu…u7zw0
⚠️ 7,587,795 (2023-04-19) 51nodes 189,342,861 1,893.43 ($57.68) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper18kwr6…0j7uv
⚠️ 7,576,202 (2023-04-18) node101 13,437,785 134.38 ($4.09) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1lrzxw…7206d
⚠️ 7,571,260 (2023-04-18) 7,268,000 72.68 ($2.21) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1nyuhk…psa6s
⚠️ 7,488,649 (2023-04-12) Martian Forest 129,481,512 1,294.82 ($39.44) 9 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 7,147,136 (2023-03-20) jabbey 1,259,499,085 12,594.99 ($383.69) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1xwazl…r5utr
⚠️ 7,003,606 (2023-03-10) Avarta 404,920,368 4,049.2 ($123.35) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1cl0qj…pqmlh
⚠️ 6,891,811 (2023-03-02) SmartNodes 278,468,480 2,784.68 ($84.83) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1rr4hh…fa3q2
⚠️ 6,853,488 (2023-02-28) QuantaTech 76,834 0.77 ($0.02) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1egdju…h7xzt
⚠️ 6,831,255 (2023-02-26) verio-id 167,094,400 1,670.94 ($50.9) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1pcpys…2epat
⚠️ 6,627,127 (2023-02-13) eecc 3,715,266,001 37,152.66 ($1,131.8) 4 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1y4s0h…kx0yw
⚠️ 6,483,522 (2023-02-03) Seerbytes 1,396,552,612 13,965.53 ($425.44) 5 of 6 for cheqdvaloper1hzxd5…xtgsz
⚠️ 6,467,611 (2023-02-02) INNOPAY 111,000,910 1,110.01 ($33.81) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1zz35q…qgfwp
⚠️ 6,440,251 (2023-01-31) INNOPAY 112,122,132 1,121.22 ($34.16) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1zz35q…qgfwp
⚠️ 6,440,242 (2023-01-31) 1% | Welike 130,103,312 1,301.03 ($39.63) 8 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 6,440,242 (2023-01-31) Chainstep 233,446,575 2,334.47 ($71.12) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1tyxt0…45cdm
⚠️ 6,440,242 (2023-01-31) ifis 124,035,774 1,240.36 ($37.79) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1ecd4k…xt0l2
⚠️ 6,440,241 (2023-01-31) Enigma 1,215,823,268 12,158.23 ($370.38) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1tn4eu…u7zw0
⚠️ 6,440,239 (2023-01-31) DeFi100-iCosmosDao 88,094,452 880.94 ($26.84) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper17z5uc…6vf5y
⚠️ 6,432,414 (2023-01-30) Client Fabric Tech 131,599,278 1,315.99 ($40.09) 23 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 6,381,271 (2023-01-27) QuantaTech 76,410 0.76 ($0.02) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1egdju…h7xzt
⚠️ 6,338,531 (2023-01-24) eecc 3,765,320,169 37,653.2 ($1,147.05) 3 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1y4s0h…kx0yw
⚠️ 6,334,632 (2023-01-23) Seerbytes 1,441,145,544 14,411.46 ($439.03) 4 of 6 for cheqdvaloper1hzxd5…xtgsz
⚠️ 6,318,508 (2023-01-22) Seerbytes 12,469,140,780 124,691.41 ($3,798.55) 3 of 6 for cheqdvaloper1hzxd5…xtgsz
⚠️ 6,273,025 (2023-01-19) Client Fabric Tech 132,928,563 1,329.29 ($40.49) 22 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 5,997,851 (2022-12-31) roundrobin 542,725,206 5,427.25 ($165.33) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper19yhr8…06cct
⚠️ 5,955,868 (2022-12-28) 22,389,699 223.9 ($6.82) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1mpy34…8f8r4
⚠️ 5,600,424 (2022-12-04) Client Fabric Tech 134,271,276 1,342.71 ($40.9) 21 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 5,429,620 (2022-11-23) Shigeko 11,723,489 117.23 ($3.57) 5 of 5 for cheqdvaloper183r0h…5krpu
⚠️ 5,347,746 (2022-11-17) onboard-id 73,092,100 730.92 ($22.27) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper18zmls…n7q6g
⚠️ 5,294,368 (2022-11-14) jabbey 1,191,577,048 11,915.77 ($363.0) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1xwazl…r5utr
⚠️ 5,243,295 (2022-11-10) mavennet 154,420,607 1,544.21 ($47.04) 5 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13z47k…xdpjt
⚠️ 5,211,920 (2022-11-08) demerzel 26,830,654 268.31 ($8.17) 4 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1xh948…rx8pk
⚠️ 5,205,330 (2022-11-08) MMS 50,000 0.5 ($0.02) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1spp0k…nmwey
⚠️ 5,190,340 (2022-11-07) 51nodes 171,812,095 1,718.12 ($52.34) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper18kwr6…0j7uv
⚠️ 5,120,770 (2022-11-02) ctequity 11,024,059 110.24 ($3.36) 5 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1524da…vrkrw
⚠️ 4,947,034 (2022-10-21) Client Fabric Tech 135,481,517 1,354.82 ($41.27) 20 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 4,910,835 (2022-10-19) ctequity 13,442,491 134.42 ($4.09) 4 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1524da…vrkrw
⚠️ 4,676,242 (2022-10-03) demerzel 27,101,671 271.02 ($8.26) 3 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1xh948…rx8pk
⚠️ 4,667,644 (2022-10-02) Client Fabric Tech 136,850,017 1,368.5 ($41.69) 19 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 4,652,702 (2022-10-01) Client Fabric Tech 138,232,340 1,382.32 ($42.11) 18 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 4,636,323 (2022-09-30) mavennet 233,101,623 2,331.02 ($71.01) 4 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13z47k…xdpjt
⚠️ 4,623,757 (2022-09-30) Shigeko 36,382,757 363.83 ($11.08) 4 of 5 for cheqdvaloper183r0h…5krpu
⚠️ 4,540,463 (2022-09-24) Blockfend Genesis Labs 🦊 7,094,187,361 70,941.87 ($2,161.15) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1m0f5m…ukrc0
⚠️ 4,350,802 (2022-09-11) maxfoton 104,800 1.05 ($0.03) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper12x5sa…fmngq
⚠️ 4,273,034 (2022-09-06) 522,037,133 5,220.37 ($159.03) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1xdy7t…j5mzl
⚠️ 4,264,796 (2022-09-05) Animo Solutions 982,129,705 9,821.3 ($299.19) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1y0p06…qnen3
⚠️ 4,256,492 (2022-09-05) mavennet 235,456,185 2,354.56 ($71.73) 3 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13z47k…xdpjt
⚠️ 4,255,935 (2022-09-05) Continuum Loop (CANADA) 20,484,178,002 204,841.78 ($6,240.22) 4 of 5 for cheqdvaloper12c4c7…52jlm
⚠️ 4,115,324 (2022-08-26) ifis 124,336,971 1,243.37 ($37.88) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1ecd4k…xt0l2
⚠️ 4,054,592 (2022-08-22) mavennet 237,834,531 2,378.35 ($72.45) 2 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13z47k…xdpjt
⚠️ 3,955,570 (2022-08-15) arunsnode 127,104,384 1,271.04 ($38.72) 17 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 3,950,462 (2022-08-15) demerzel 136,731,425 1,367.31 ($41.65) 2 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1xh948…rx8pk
⚠️ 3,931,832 (2022-08-14) arunsnode 128,388,267 1,283.88 ($39.11) 16 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 3,841,739 (2022-08-07) enkyc 129,634,613 1,296.35 ($39.49) 15 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
🛑 3,749,603 (2022-08-01) DanubeTech 33,232,849,914 1,661,642.5 ($50,619.65) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1nxlpr…y5zhk
⚠️ 3,745,494 (2022-08-01) ctequity 13,825,279 138.25 ($4.21) 3 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1524da…vrkrw
⚠️ 3,683,630 (2022-07-28) mavennet 240,236,900 2,402.37 ($73.18) 1 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13z47k…xdpjt
⚠️ 3,574,614 (2022-07-20) BotDotNet 15,096,011 150.96 ($4.6) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1lupwe…7dhdd
⚠️ 3,574,614 (2022-07-20) eecc 4,382,324,461 43,823.24 ($1,335.01) 2 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1y4s0h…kx0yw
⚠️ 3,574,613 (2022-07-20) Shigeko 32,248,761 322.49 ($9.82) 3 of 5 for cheqdvaloper183r0h…5krpu
⚠️ 3,574,612 (2022-07-20) OmniFlix Network 9,314,389,856 93,143.9 ($2,837.5) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1cs7nx…f87xw
⚠️ 3,574,607 (2022-07-20) #decentralizehk - DHK dao 15,054,030 150.54 ($4.59) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1jernz…j4l9l
⚠️ 3,574,607 (2022-07-20) enkyc 130,944,053 1,309.44 ($39.89) 14 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 3,574,552 (2022-07-20) Continuum Loop (CANADA) 19,886,550,591 198,865.51 ($6,058.16) 3 of 5 for cheqdvaloper12c4c7…52jlm
⚠️ 3,574,523 (2022-07-20) DeFi100-iCosmosDao 92,013,667 920.14 ($28.03) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper17z5uc…6vf5y
⚠️ 3,571,549 (2022-07-20) MTnode 100,710,233 1,007.1 ($30.68) 5 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1ffug2…ns4me
⚠️ 3,537,657 (2022-07-17) azstake 63,106,480 631.06 ($19.22) 4 of 4 for cheqdvaloper17vhpd…snjjs
⚠️ 3,486,116 (2022-07-14) ctequity 13,964,928 139.65 ($4.25) 2 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1524da…vrkrw
⚠️ 3,296,908 (2022-06-30) NodeStake 27,432,769 274.33 ($8.36) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper19f0w9…rjhkl
⚠️ 3,238,610 (2022-06-26) Blackhox 13,800,077 138.0 ($4.2) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper16lffv…4ts69
⚠️ 3,218,563 (2022-06-25) enkyc 129,753,811 1,297.54 ($39.53) 13 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 3,202,993 (2022-06-24) enkyc 131,064,455 1,310.64 ($39.93) 12 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 3,122,295 (2022-06-18) monokee 13,395,945,962 133,959.46 ($4,080.89) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1656m8…xtjar
⚠️ 3,092,990 (2022-06-16) DanubeTech 34,747,494,682 347,474.95 ($10,585.34) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1nxlpr…y5zhk
⚠️ 3,083,511 (2022-06-15) 20MB | Restake ✅ 117,095,735 1,170.96 ($35.67) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1ttw6u…wkuj6
⚠️ 3,078,672 (2022-06-15) enkyc 132,388,339 1,323.88 ($40.33) 11 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 3,062,293 (2022-06-14) DanubeTech 35,258,714,192 352,587.14 ($10,741.08) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1nxlpr…y5zhk
⚠️ 3,034,964 (2022-06-12) YellowDotPink 18,409,360,263 184,093.6 ($5,608.16) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1f53as…kyfsw
⚠️ 3,023,079 (2022-06-11) Doshy 972,672,789 9,726.73 ($296.31) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1atnya…cv8zy
⚠️ 2,991,644 (2022-06-09) DeFi100-iCosmosDao 96,527,698 965.28 ($29.41) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper17z5uc…6vf5y
🛑 2,962,444 (2022-06-07) Everstake 37,831,571,261 1,891,578.56 ($57,624.33) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1cs3vc…7a95s
⚠️ 2,962,434 (2022-06-07) enkyc 133,725,595 1,337.26 ($40.74) 10 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 2,887,640 (2022-06-02) Brochain 214,060 2.14 ($0.07) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper13weud…drehn
⚠️ 2,857,144 (2022-05-31) enkyc 135,076,257 1,350.76 ($41.15) 9 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 2,825,548 (2022-05-28) MTnode 61,709,220 617.09 ($18.8) 4 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1ffug2…ns4me
⚠️ 2,774,119 (2022-05-25) eecc 14,794,399,101 147,943.99 ($4,506.91) 1 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1y4s0h…kx0yw
⚠️ 2,738,786 (2022-05-22) enkyc 136,440,664 1,364.41 ($41.56) 8 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 2,627,251 (2022-05-15) INNOPAY 112,762,000 1,127.62 ($34.35) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1zz35q…qgfwp
⚠️ 2,607,292 (2022-05-13) enkyc 137,818,853 1,378.19 ($41.98) 7 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 2,543,773 (2022-05-09) 62,674,899 626.75 ($19.09) 1 of 5 for cheqdvaloper13a4s9…sdlwu
⚠️ 2,517,171 (2022-05-07) enkyc 139,210,962 1,392.11 ($42.41) 6 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 2,431,264 (2022-05-01) 🤑 uGaenn ⛅ 20,250,000 202.5 ($6.17) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1g0rmj…y3t4x
⚠️ 2,423,848 (2022-05-01) 0% | WeLike 56,147,031 561.47 ($17.1) 7 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 2,309,489 (2022-04-23) Animo Solutions 634,876,969 6,348.77 ($193.41) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1y0p06…qnen3
⚠️ 2,275,385 (2022-04-20) ctequity 13,801,645 138.02 ($4.2) 1 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1524da…vrkrw
⚠️ 2,259,438 (2022-04-19) enkyc 140,617,133 1,406.17 ($42.84) 5 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 2,207,940 (2022-04-16) brochain 204,000 2.04 ($0.06) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper13weud…drehn
⚠️ 2,143,290 (2022-04-11) ifis 125,808,200 1,258.08 ($38.33) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1ecd4k…xt0l2
⚠️ 2,130,069 (2022-04-10) enkyc 142,186,509 1,421.87 ($43.32) 4 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 2,081,959 (2022-04-07) ultrap 519,952,886 5,199.53 ($158.4) 3 of 3 for cheqdvaloper17af7u…n47g7
⚠️ 2,065,897 (2022-04-06) ultrap 525,201,602 5,252.02 ($160.0) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper17af7u…n47g7
⚠️ 2,041,085 (2022-04-04) ultrap 530,204,750 5,302.05 ($161.52) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper17af7u…n47g7
⚠️ 1,987,893 (2022-03-31) enkyc 143,472,231 1,434.72 ($43.71) 3 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 1,984,286 (2022-03-31) MTnode 1,536,490 15.36 ($0.47) 3 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1ffug2…ns4me
⚠️ 1,984,285 (2022-03-31) azstake 2,619,306 26.19 ($0.8) 3 of 4 for cheqdvaloper17vhpd…snjjs
⚠️ 1,984,255 (2022-03-31) 0% | WeLike 21,032,802 210.33 ($6.41) 6 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 1,983,736 (2022-03-31) extropy-validator 1,801,815,262 18,018.15 ($548.9) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1chj5n…hxjk7
⚠️ 1,982,987 (2022-03-31) gravity-cheqd-node 390,651,977 3,906.52 ($119.01) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper16py8u…24pra
⚠️ 1,728,128 (2022-03-13) Felzime 4,736,100 47.36 ($1.44) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1u4nse…748nx
⚠️ 1,697,997 (2022-03-11) 51nodes 115,856,734 1,158.57 ($35.29) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper18kwr6…0j7uv
⚠️ 1,616,216 (2022-03-05) Continuum Loop (CANADA) 8,185,579,816 81,855.8 ($2,493.62) 2 of 5 for cheqdvaloper12c4c7…52jlm
⚠️ 1,602,732 (2022-03-05) Do NOT Stake Here - SHUTTING DOWN late December 28,271,000 282.71 ($8.61) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1rgqsf…535hv
⚠️ 1,588,871 (2022-03-04) Continuum Loop (CANADA) 13,813,588,034 138,135.88 ($4,208.12) 1 of 5 for cheqdvaloper12c4c7…52jlm
⚠️ 1,463,837 (2022-02-23) demerzel 664,068,271 6,640.68 ($202.3) 1 of 4 for cheqdvaloper1xh948…rx8pk
⚠️ 1,458,070 (2022-02-23) Avarta 129,425,001 1,294.25 ($39.43) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1cl0qj…pqmlh
⚠️ 1,458,003 (2022-02-23) Shigeko 10,234,035 102.34 ($3.12) 2 of 5 for cheqdvaloper183r0h…5krpu
⚠️ 1,431,483 (2022-02-21) enkyc 152,760,866 1,527.61 ($46.54) 2 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 1,422,938 (2022-02-20) 0% | WeLike 88,894 0.89 ($0.03) 5 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 1,383,712 (2022-02-18) 0% | WeLike 89,792 0.9 ($0.03) 4 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 1,362,416 (2022-02-16) roundrobin 542,335,911 5,423.36 ($165.22) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper19yhr8…06cct
⚠️ 1,332,840 (2022-02-14) Shigeko 10,337,410 103.37 ($3.15) 1 of 5 for cheqdvaloper183r0h…5krpu
⚠️ 1,222,938 (2022-02-07) MartianForest 40,194 0.4 ($0.01) 3 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 1,184,154 (2022-02-04) 10,275,190,003 102,751.9 ($3,130.19) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1k9wat…h3w8u
⚠️ 1,184,154 (2022-02-04) WeLike 40,000 0.4 ($0.01) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper173sdk…kpa47
⚠️ 1,184,153 (2022-02-04) 646,345,791 6,463.46 ($196.9) 2 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1xdy7t…j5mzl
⚠️ 1,184,150 (2022-02-04) WhisperNode 🤐 241,100 2.41 ($0.07) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1qsp3a…vre8w
⚠️ 1,184,148 (2022-02-04) MTnode 321,750 3.22 ($0.1) 2 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1ffug2…ns4me
⚠️ 1,184,143 (2022-02-04) azstake 594,000 5.94 ($0.18) 2 of 4 for cheqdvaloper17vhpd…snjjs
⚠️ 1,184,133 (2022-02-04) Blockfend Genesis Labs 24,165,619 241.66 ($7.36) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1m0f5m…ukrc0
⚠️ 1,184,034 (2022-02-04) Doshy 10,429,718,944 104,297.19 ($3,177.27) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1atnya…cv8zy
⚠️ 1,183,753 (2022-02-04) enkyc 154,293,703 1,542.94 ($47.0) 1 of 23 for cheqdvaloper148hws…5a59l
⚠️ 1,175,934 (2022-02-03) MartianForest 40,600 0.41 ($0.01) 2 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 1,091,412 (2022-01-29) azstake 600,000 6.0 ($0.18) 1 of 4 for cheqdvaloper17vhpd…snjjs
⚠️ 1,083,096 (2022-01-28) seerbytes 1,157,066,613 11,570.67 ($352.48) 2 of 6 for cheqdvaloper1hzxd5…xtgsz
⚠️ 1,055,297 (2022-01-26) MartianForest 40,000 0.4 ($0.01) 1 of 10 for cheqdvaloper1x9k79…7lmzh
⚠️ 1,034,737 (2022-01-25) MTnode 325,000 3.25 ($0.1) 1 of 5 for cheqdvaloper1ffug2…ns4me
⚠️ 1,024,320 (2022-01-24) seerbytes 2,588,523,761 25,885.24 ($788.56) 1 of 6 for cheqdvaloper1hzxd5…xtgsz
⚠️ 996,264 (2022-01-22) 0% fees - Enigma 31,213,392 312.13 ($9.51) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1tn4eu…u7zw0
⚠️ 889,017 (2022-01-15) 990 0.01 ($0.0) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper12u3lr…3t7tc
⚠️ 858,330 (2022-01-13) extropy-validator 1,115,261,750 11,152.62 ($339.75) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1chj5n…hxjk7
⚠️ 818,898 (2022-01-10) TC-Network 30,617 0.31 ($0.01) 7 of 7 for cheqdvaloper1szdha…9z3sl
⚠️ 773,580 (2022-01-07) TC-Network 1,595,305 15.95 ($0.49) 6 of 7 for cheqdvaloper1szdha…9z3sl
⚠️ 770,982 (2022-01-07) finema-cheqd-mainnet 136,974,069 1,369.74 ($41.73) 1 of 1 for cheqdvaloper1qh5z7…tg25t
⚠️ 713,513 (2022-01-03) moniker-tc-network 1,611,419 16.11 ($0.49) 5 of 7 for cheqdvaloper1szdha…9z3sl
⚠️ 662,488 (2021-12-30) moniker-tc-network 1,607,494 16.07 ($0.49) 4 of 7 for cheqdvaloper1szdha…9z3sl
⚠️ 647,870 (2021-12-30) moniker-tc-network 1,623,731 16.24 ($0.49) 3 of 7 for cheqdvaloper1szdha…9z3sl
⚠️ 624,904 (2021-12-28) moniker-tc-network 1,640,133 16.4 ($0.5) 2 of 7 for cheqdvaloper1szdha…9z3sl
⚠️ 585,807 (2021-12-25) moniker-tc-network 1,656,700 16.57 ($0.5) 1 of 7 for cheqdvaloper1szdha…9z3sl
⚠️ 495,899 (2021-12-19) Notional 832,042,693 8,320.43 ($253.47) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1gyjql…8848x
⚠️ 443,568 (2021-12-16) 5,161,041,377 51,610.41 ($1,572.24) 1 of 3 for cheqdvaloper1xdy7t…j5mzl
⚠️ 236,020 (2021-12-02) 91,000 0.91 ($0.03) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper12u3lr…3t7tc
⚠️ 222,563 (2021-12-01) 6,000 0.06 ($0.0) 2 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1rsh0s…nw0vz
⚠️ 180,979 (2021-11-28) 12,285,461,000 122,854.61 ($3,742.6) 1 of 2 for cheqdvaloper1rsh0s…nw0vz